Friday, February 11, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood Given a makeover by the Obama Admin!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The MiddleEast is Burning, The President is Weak and the Average American is concerned with Iphones, What do we Do?

   Egypt and Tunisia are rioting, Barack Hussein Obama is acting as the weakest President ever and other nations have no respect/fear of the U.S. anymore, we are being taken over economically by China and the average American is more concerned with there iphone or what time the ball game comes on. So my question is what do we do as Americans that our concerned with the well-being of our great country? 
   In my opinion we the people need to start small, start informing as many have with the town halls, the tea party crowd, and with the social networking. We need to stand up to this garbage that has been flushing our superpower down the drain. Stand up not through physical or violent means, but rather having that VOICE! We as Americans dedicated to America need to scream out when we disagree, get your point across and stop bowing down to the Liberal lies. Stop agreeing with everyone just to keep the peace, this country was found on disagreements and should stay that way ! Stop being afraid that you are going to offend someone when you disagree, believe me its OK.